Topics and goals

The relationship between art and robots can be classified roughly into the following three types.

1. Using a robot as a work of art
2. Using a robot to display an artistic performance
3. Embedding the skill to create a work of art in a robot

In type 1, an artist uses a robot in his or her work, and a robot is a part of the work. In type 2, a robot gives an artistic performance that is normally given by a human, such as dancing or playing a musical instrument. A robot is a performer instead of a human here. In type 3, a robot in which some framework of art is implemented creates a work of art. A robot is an artist here.
As the above types show. there are various aspects in the relationship between art and robots.In this workshop, we invite researchers and artists who are working on different approaches to share their knowledge and skills. We would like to review current works related to art and robots, and to discuss possibilities for the relationship between art and robots in the future.
Added to this, many artists, even those using robots,seem still critical of technology. We would also like to discuss the role of robot technology in culture and the problems to be solved for better coexistence of art and robotics.



"the telegarden"
Ken Goldberg